best-practice_icon_33pxBest practices

What is it?

The best practice review, as part of the online library, provides a comprehensive up to date overview of the current situation in the European Union regarding suicide prevention.

How was it developed?

Fourteen Euregenas project partners were responsible to look for country specific programs/project on the topic of suicide prevention. According to guidelines, including structural requirements, best practice programs/projects of eleven partner regions were selected.

Who is it for?

On the one hand the best practice examples will serve as basis for the different work packages of the Euregenas project and on the other hand the programs/projects are available for stakeholders who play a key role in the area of suicide prevention as well as for people who are interesting in this topic.

What is the aim?

The aim of the best practice review was to get an overview of the following issues in the different partner regions: E-mental health, prevention and awareness raising strategies, training for general practitioners and support groups for suicide survivors. Only for these topics the best practice review was prepared.



  1. Prisons: a new project to understand and improve the prisoners health


    Carceri: un nuovo progetto per conoscere e migliorare la salute dei detenuti

    Regione Lazio e Ministero della Salute della Repubblica Italiana



    This initiative is part of the project of the Ministry of Health which monitors the health of the prisoners in six Italian regions. The aim is to discover, through an electronic board, the presence of diseases, the utilization of drugs and the presence of risk factors, in order to improve the health path, facilitate the transmission of clinical information from one institution to another and ensure continuous assistance.

    Questa iniziativa rientra nel progetto del ministero della Salute per monitorare la salute dei detenuti in sei regioni italiane, al termine del quale si valuteranno i rischi di suicidio attraverso un preciso protocollo di intervento. Lo scopo è rilevare, attraverso una scheda elettronica, le patologie presenti, i farmaci utilizzati e i fattori di rischio, per migliorare il percorso sanitario, facilitare la trasmissione di informazioni cliniche da un istituto all'altro, e garantire un’assistenza continua.

    Of relevance for WP6.

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  2. Design and development of preventive and of proven effectiveness actions to identify and reduce the risk of suicide, attempted suicide and postpartum depression


    Elaborazione e sviluppo di iniziative preventive di riconosciuta efficacia per individuare e ridurre il rischio di suicidio, di tentato suicidio e di depressione post-partum

    Unità Operativa Salute mentale, Azienda di Sanità pubblica Laziosanità, Regione Lazio



    The aim of the program is to disclose evidences of research on suicide, attempted suicide and self-harming behaviors, in order to facilitate an implementation of  prevention strategies and a management of emergency situations.

    Le iniziative promosse hanno lo scopo di rendere note evidenze di ricerca in merito ai fenomeni di suicidio, tentato suicidio e condotte autolesionistiche, per favorire un’implementazione di strategie di prevenzione e di gestione delle situazioni di emergenza.

    Of relevance for WP6, WP7.

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  3. Reach a phone with your hand and … grab life!


    Tendi una mano al telefono e … afferra la vita!

    Servizio per la Prevenzione del Suicidio dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea di Roma  & Dipartimento dell’Amministrazione Penitenziaria



    The prison staff is at risk for development of burnout syndrome and hence at risk of suicide. The Suicide Prevention Service of Sant'Andrea Hospital in Rome provides to the prison staff its helpline service, offering listening and support to people who are in a state of distress and who may have suicidal ideation.

    Il personale penitenziario è a rischio per lo sviluppo della sindrome di burnout e quindi a rischio di suicidio. Il Servizio per la Prevenzione del Suicidio dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea di Roma mette a disposizione del personale penitenziario il servizio di help line, offrendo accoglienza, ascolto e supporto alle persone che si trovano in una condizione di sofferenza psichica e che possono avere ideazione suicidaria.

    Of relevance for WP6, WP8.

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  4. The regional project of suicide prevention


    Il progetto regionale prevenzione suicidio

    Servizio Sanitario Regionale Emilia Romagna


    2010 - 2013

    This program aims at secondary prevention in different contexts such as hospitals, prisons and the local area, adapting national and international guidelines at the needs of the regional context.

    Questo programma ha come obiettivo quello di proporre degli interventi di prevenzione secondaria in diversi contesti come ospedali, territorio locale e carceri, adattando le linee guida nazionali e internazionali ai bisogni e alle necessità del contesto regionale.

    Of relevance for WP6, WP7.

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  5. “Yellow Helpline” – Listening Centre and Reception Center


    “Telefono Giallo” - Centro di Ascolto e di Accoglienza

    Associazione Famiglie Italiane Prevenzione Suicidio Marco Saura


    1998 - 2013

    Active since 1998, the "Yellow Helpline" is the main activity of the Association. It’s aim is to prevent the psychological distress and suicide. The "Yellow Helpline" is free and is available every day from 9am to 1pm and from 4pm to 7pmThe Reception Centre provides psychological counseling, psychotherapeutic treatment and information on local services.


    Attivo dal 1998, il “Telefono Giallo” costituisce la principale attività dell’Associazione. È un servizio di ascolto per la prevenzione del disagio psichico e del suicidio. Il “Telefono Giallo” è gratuito ed è attivo tutti i giorni dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 16.00 alle 19.00. Il Centro di Accoglienza offre invece prestazioni di counseling psicologico, trattamenti psicoterapeutici e informazioni sulla rete dei servizi locali.

    Of relevance for WP6.

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  6. The suicide prevention


    La prevenzione del suicidio

    Ausl di Modena. Distretto di Castelfranco Emilia



    The aim of the course is to provide professionals with the information necessary for the early identification of the risk factors for suicide in their patients.

    Il corso ha lo scopo di fornire ai professionisti delle informazioni necessarie per individuare tempestivamente nei loro pazienti i fattori di rischio per il suicidio.

    Of relevance for WP6, WP7, WP8.

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  7. Give ear. In network for suicide prevention


    L’orecchio teso. In rete per la prevenzione del suicidio

    Associazione Telefono Amico Onlus di Biella e Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della provincia di Biella


    This informative booklet has the aim to increase abilities to identify suicide risk situations and to provide crisis first aid interventions.

    Questo opuscolo informativo ha lo scopo di potenziare la capacità di rilevare situazioni di rischio suicidario e gli interventi di primo soccorso sulla crisi.

    Of relevance for WP6, WP7.

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  8. Regional program of training, research, intervention to support the survivors of the sudden and tragic bereavement” (DGR n.3662/08)


    Programma regionale triennale di formazione, ricerca e intervento per il sostegno ai sopravvissuti di lutti tragici e improvvisi (DGRV 3662)

    De Leo Fund Onlus



    Support after traumatic loss: development of scientific research programs and local interventions, and the definition and coordination of local actions.

    Supporto ai sopravvissuti a una perdita traumatica: sviluppo di programmi di ricerca scientifici e di interventi locali, e definizione e coordinamento delle azioni locali.

    Of relevance for WP6, WP8.

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  9. Reduce suicides through an alliance against depression?


    B. Hübner-Liebermann, T. Neuner, U. Hegerl


    Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2010 32(5):514-8

    BACKGROUND: Since 2003, the Regensburg Alliance Against Depression, the regional partner of the German Alliance Against Depression, has been conducting a four-level intervention program to improve early detection and treatment of patients with depression, which was successfully piloted in the framework of the German Research Network on Depression and Suicidality.
    METHODS: After 5 years of campaign, the suicide rates before and after the intervention were evaluated in comparison with two control regions and with the German overall rate.
    FINDINGS: The results show that only the suicide rate in Regensburg fell significantly during the intervention period. The drop in the suicide rate was due to a significant decrease in male suicides.
    INTERPRETATION: An intensive community-based campaign could be effective in lowering suicide rates. Especially, the combination of continuing medical educations (CMEs) for general practitioners focusing on 'male depression' and low-threshold campaigns for the general public seems to reach male depressive patients.

    Of relevance for WP6

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  10. Alliances against depression – A community based approach to target depression and to prevent suicidal behaviour


    Ulrich Hegerl, Christine Rummel-Kluge, Airi Värnik



    Depressive disorders as well as fatal and non-fatal suicidal behavior continue to be important mental health issues. Because of the close relation between depression and suicidal behaviour, it is likely that preventive actions improving care and optimizing treatment for depressed patients result in a reduction of suicidal acts. This was shown in the Nuremberg Alliance against Depression, two-year four-level community based intervention program associated with a 24% reduction of suicidal acts (completed and attempted suicides combined) compared to a baseline year and a control region. Serving as a model project, this approach has up to now been adopted in more than 100 regions in Germany and Europe. Within the suicide prevention project OSPI-Europe, the four-level-approach was optimized and further implemented and evaluated in different European regions.

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  • e-conceptual model (WP5) (86)
  • Evaluation tool for support groups (WP8) (122)
  • Events (16)
  • Prevention Packages (WP6) (511)
  • public health and care (0)
  • (6)
  • Training Module for GPs (WP7) (336)
  • USA (4)

About The Project

The Euregenas Project has received funding from the European Union under the Public Health Programme 2008-2013. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author and the Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

What is Euregenas?

The Euregenas project brings together 11 regions with diverse experiences in suicide prevention with the aim to contribute to the prevention of suicidality in Europe through the development and implementation of strategies for suicide prevention at regional level that can be of use to the European Community as examples of good practice.
Copyright © 2012 Euregenas. All rights reserved.