1. Christiane Hillger

    Mobile aplication about suicide

    Mobilna aplikacija o samomoru Ozara – Nacionalno združenje za kakovost življenja – National Association for Quality of Life Slovenia 2013 Free mobile application for the so-called Smartphones with Android operating system. It also provides an animated movie that the phone screen turns into a burning candle. Brezplačna mobilna aplikacija za...
  2. Suicide Prevention: design, implementation and evaluation of a telephone follow-up program by mental health specialist nursing, to reduce the risk of suicide in patients who have committed an attempt

    Prevención del suicidio: diseño, implantación y valoración de un programa de seguimiento telefónico en enfermería especialista de salud mental, para disminuir el riesgo suicida en pacientes que han cometido un intento autolítico. Sieso Sevil, A.; Fernández Parrado, C.; Zahíno López, V.; et. al. Spain Biblioteca Lascasas (2012), 8(1) Research protocol:...
  3. Effectiveness of a telephone management programme for patients discharged from an emergency department after a suicide attempt: controlled study in a Spanish population

    Cebrià, A.I.; Parra, I.; Pàmias, M.; et. al. Spain Journal of Affective Disorders (2013), 147: 269-276 Objective:  To  determine  the  effectiveness  over  one  year  of  a  specific  telephone  management  programme  on  patients  discharged  from  an  emergency  department  (ED)  after  a  suicide  attempt.  We hypothesized that the programme will reduce the...
  4. Suicide prevention by online support groups: An action theory-based model of emotional first aid

    Gilat,I.;Shahar,G. Spain Archives of Suicide Research (2009), 13 (1): 52-63 In the last two decades, online support groups have become a valuable source of help for individuals in suicidal crisis. Their attractiveness is attributed to features that enhance help-seeking and self-disclosure such as availability, anonymity, and use of written communication....
  5. Christiane Hillger

    International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

    Profesor Erwin Ringel, Dr. Norman Farberow Spain 1960-2012 IASP is a Non-Governmental Organization in official relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO) concerned with suicide prevention. La AIPS es una organización no gubernamental vinculada oficialmente a la Organización mundial de la salud con el fin de prevenir el suicidio. Main...
  6. Christiane Hillger

    Suicide prevention

    Prevención del suicidio José Luis Ayuso Mateos, Matilde Hernández Spain The suicide is understood at present like a multidimensional disorder, which results from a complex interaction of biological, genetic, psychological, sociological and environmental factors. For its prevention there is essential the participation of very diverse professionals and social partners El...
  7. Christiane Hillger

    Prevention program of the suicidal behavior sector Dreta Eixample

    Programa de prevención de la conducta suicida sector Dreta Eixample Carmen Tejedor, Gustavo Faus, Anna Díaz Spain 2005-2008 El setembre de l’any 2005 es va iniciar un programa comunitari orientat a conèixer i prevenir les conductes suïcides. El Programa de Prevenció de la Conducta Suïcida es desenvolupa al barri de...
  8. Christiane Hillger

    Evaluation and implementation of suicide prevention programmes, actively involving stakeholders.

    VALUTAZIONE E REALIZZAZIONE DI PROGRAMMI DI PREVENZIONE DEL SUICIDIO CON IL CONTRIBUTO DEGLI STAKEHOLDER Toniolo, E., Grossi A. Italy 2009-2012 This is a 3 year programme, consisting of two projects, namely Delta project and “Never lose hope”. The former aims at integration and coordination actions running at local level by:...
  9. Christiane Hillger

    SOPRoxi (a word composed by “sopravvissuti”, which is the Italian word meaning “survivors”, and the English word “proximity” which refers to having a close and supporting relation)

    SOPRoxi (è un acronimo che deriva dalla parola italiana sopravvissuti e dalla parola inglese proximity che significa vicinanza, nella relazione.) P.Scocco,  E. Toffol, S. Totaro Italy 2006- In Italy, postvention models specifically designed for people surviving the suicide of a loved one are scarce. The SOPRoxi project has been developed...

About The Project

The Euregenas Project has received funding from the European Union under the Public Health Programme 2008-2013. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author and the Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

What is Euregenas?

The Euregenas project brings together 11 regions with diverse experiences in suicide prevention with the aim to contribute to the prevention of suicidality in Europe through the development and implementation of strategies for suicide prevention at regional level that can be of use to the European Community as examples of good practice.
Copyright © 2012 Euregenas. All rights reserved.

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